Most of the families have this instrument in heritage, we are here to help them to save them.
We have made sure that on this page you will find all the necessary information about gusle repair 😊
Thank you for choosing us to fix your old gusle 🛠️
Gusle before and after repair
Small demo how repair process looks and how gusle sound in the end.
"I can hear something while i drive, i must check it.." 💰
"3 months until next registration, and 2 since I bough new tires..." 💰💰
"my winter tires are also almost done..." 💰💰💰
your car is often not shy to have a loot intro your wallet
for gusle, it' enough once every 10-20 years
and they are ready for next generation of owners 😊
Relive the authentic sound of old gusle
Can be done in 2-3 weeks (even quicker if necessary). Note: You will receive the exact time when you fill out the form.
I want thisRefresh your gusle with a new skin and strings.
Can be done in 2-3 weeks (even quicker if necessary). Note: You will receive the exact time when you fill out the form.
I want thisIdeal for your old gusle (30+ years).
Can be done in 2-3 weeks (even quicker if necessary). Note: You will receive the exact time when you fill out the form.
I want thisMore about services we offer
Steps we take to do reparation of one gusle
Get to know our repair process 😊
The perfect sound of your old gusle is just a click away. 😊
Check our gusle bow and gusle holders images.
Note: The first slide holds a summary of available products in the category.
Available models: 5
50.00€ 55.00€ 60.00€ 70.00€ 125.01€Motifs
Place for engraving inscriptionAvailable models: 4
8.50€ 72.00€ 72.00€ 80.01€Check our f.a.q page - we are here for all info you need 😊